Samstag, 17. November 2012

6. ZEBRA Poetry Kurzfilm Festival

Peh's Gedicht HEIMWEG wurde vor einiger Zeit als Video-Clip von Franziska Otto in Szene gesetzt... und gewann jetzt den Publikumspreis für das beste Debut beim 6. ZEBRA Poetry Kurzfilm Festival!

Den Clip gibt's hier zu sehen:


Dank an alle!!!

HEIMWEG wurde in Peh's 2. Gedichtband + Live-CD "3 Farben Weiß" veröffentlicht, erhältlich bei >> Amazon.


Due to a request, here's the English translation of the text!




I’m packing my suitcase
And what I take with me
Are the little things that
Remain to be

At times you’re driven away
Other times you choose to leave
Both mean farewell
Barely one of them is ever sweet

One came
Took a lot
Came back
Took even more...
But the rest belongs to me!
And I won’t leave it to nobody!

I'm packing my suitcase
And take with me:
The simple things
That remain to be


Smashed to smithereens
But those can be mended

A strand of luck
Cut between movies and dinner

Snatches of laughter
Warm enough to be covers in summer or spring
For upcoming winter I admit I’ll have to
Grow me a thicker skin

Tender moments, stolen some night
Instants to which no other contests a right

I'm packing my suitcase
And get myself gone
On to
the long way home

Then again every first step in whatever direction
Seems so hard to take
When all that drives you is the question:

What if you come to the end of this tunnel –
And there just ain’t no light?

And then at times I can’t sleep
When thoughts keep rotating
Like chain saws screaming
And fears and doubts just keep nibbling
Of being shredded by
A past, not yet willing to let go
And a future, not yet able to begin

Well, sometimes then:

I’m standing here in the middle of this bridge
Between my heart and my head
And I’d like to bungee jump
But I just can’t find a rope strong enough
To catch this severity’s fall
So I am
Standing with my suitcase packed
And I keep standing some more
‘Cause they say
(And I’ve seen it happening)
“In the middle of a bridge
Happen the most miraculous things”

I'm packing my suitcase
And I make away
In search of the most holy:


‘Cause Home…
Is not some blank spot on the map
Easily to be found with Google Earth
Is a phone call
A message
Sometimes only one single word in sore hours
Is a feeling
Between the lines
‘Cause you don’t want to be SPAM
You want to be memorized

And if I take my suitcase
What I also pack:
160 characters
That I don’t write anybody else,

“When you’re out conquering the world
I wanna be the land under which flag you
Sail and sink
Wanna be the thought the guides you
And all your dreams’ very last piece”


I'm packing my suitcase
And make my way towards home

Maybe, in the middle of a bridge
I will meet with you

And once for all I am about
To pack it all